Our Story
DeMitri Chesapeake Sales
Specialty Brokerage
As a regional brokerage company we can provide seamless representation and a single point of contact for manufacturers from Metro New York through Virginia. Within this territory we have five full time account managers calling on the operators and distributors. Our sales team is the largest and most experienced sales organization within this area of coverage and has the market experience and customer relationships to build sales for your company.

Founded in 1986, we are a privately owned & operated company focusing on:
Our sales territory covers from Metro New York through Virginia
We have the most extensive sales coverage compared to any other broker in our market
Consistent reinvestment in both technology and human assets
Operator Focused, Operator Driven, Operator Results
Extensive Market Knowledge with over 160 years combined industry experience including backgrounds with suppliers, operators, distribution and sales management
Recognized numerous times for sales and broker achievements
Founding member of Premier Sales and Marketing offering National Sales Coverage